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Partial Hospitalization - Adults and Adolescents

Are you wondering what your next steps are now that you have completed inpatient care? Do you feel like you could still benefit from daily, intensive support and treatment without being on-site 24/7? Do you feel like you need a better transition from full inpatient to being at home fully again?

A partial hospitalization program (PHP) may be the right choice for you. In 2021, 1,592,000 Ohio residents were diagnosed with a substance use disorder and 2,191,000 with a mental health disorder. At SUN Behavioral Health Columbus, our partial hospitalization program allows many people to overcome challenges and rediscover themselves. 

What We Treat: Substance Use and Mental Health Disorders

Whether you are seeking mental health or substance use disorder treatment, SUN Behavioral Health Columbus provides treatment for both. 

If a substance begins to consume your life, it could indicate the development of a substance use disorder. A vital sign of this disorder is having a hard time stopping your consumption of the substance. Should you recognize any signs of a substance use disorder in yourself or a loved one, PHP can provide you with the support and resources necessary for long-term recovery. Some substance use disorders we treat include alcohol use disorder, meth use disorder, heroin use disorder, and benzodiazepine use disorder.

Mental health disorders can affect one's well-being. Whether in combination with a substance use disorder or on their own, it can make life feel more difficult than it needs to be. Fortunately, proper, individualized treatment can enable many people to improve their quality of life. 

How We Treat: Partial Hospitalization Program

A partial hospitalization program (PHP) is a highly intensive outpatient treatment in which people participate during the day, 5 days a week, and return home each night. It is available to both adults and teens. This level of treatment is suitable for those who need more intensive care but do not need complete hospitalization. They may require stabilization and intensive treatment, but their symptoms are not an imminent danger to themselves and others. 

Many participants in our PHP are transitioning from inpatient care. This change involves shifting from 24/7 hospital care to an outpatient program where they attend therapy during the day and return home at night. People participating in SUN’s PHP will learn emotional coping skills and be supported as they reintegrate into their family and community. At the end of their time with PHP, they are usually ready for lower levels of outpatient care, such as our intensive outpatient program (IOP). 

PHP is unsuitable for anyone who is actively a danger to themselves or others. In these cases, inpatient care is the most suitable. 

Partial Hospitalization Program: What Is Offered?

During PHP treatment at SUN Behavioral Health Columbus, you will experience a variety of therapy groups and have a team of psychiatrists who will provide you with insight into your substance use disorder and mental health. Our team will consider your experiences, doctors' insights, treatment history, and previous assessments during your evaluation when customizing your treatment plan. Here are some therapies you may experience during your PHP treatment at SUN Behavioral Health.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Everyone enrolled in PHP at SUN Behavioral Health Columbus will experience some form of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). Depending on your treatment plan, your team may combine it with other options. CBT helps people identify and change harmful thoughts or behaviors into less harmful ones. When you participate in CBT, you will learn how to:

  • Identify harmful thoughts and concerns in your life
  • Change beliefs, thoughts, and emotions from harmful ones to positive ones
  • Explore alternative strategies that allow you to cope with current concerns

Coping Skills Training

During coping skills training, you will learn how to cope with triggers or tricky situations. This allows you to experience those situations in a safe space and practice what to do. Your counselor will also teach you social skills that will enable you to reduce conflict in your personal and work relationships. When these skills are combined, you will gain increased self-confidence, which will help your recovery journey after completing PHP.

Group Treatments

Depending on your treatment plan, you may be exposed to other groups. These groups include a processing group, a goals group, recreational therapy, and return-to-use prevention. You will discuss boundaries, communication, stress, and time management while participating in these groups.

how we treat partial hospitalization program

How Long Do I Need to Attend a Partial Hospitalization Program?

The time someone spends in our partial hospitalization program depends on each person’s unique recovery journey. Some may only require a few weeks, while others require more time. Your progress and treatment plan will influence the time you need to participate in the program. As you progress through your treatment, your timeline may be revised to reflect your progress.

Partial Hospitalization for Adults

Our adult PHP is for individuals over 18 years old. Adults can benefit from this program whether they are experiencing mental health concerns, substance use disorders, or co-occurring disorders. Co-occurring disorders occur when someone is experiencing both mental health and substance use disorders. Treatment includes group therapy sessions and training in stress management and life development skills. Before leaving SUN Behavioral Health Columbus, you will receive an aftercare plan to support your recovery.

Partial Hospitalization for Adolescents

Our adolescent program is for those between 13 and 17 years old. Some signs your teen might benefit from a PHP program include:
  • Changes in school performance
  • Intense fears regarding their appearance
  • Changes in sleep habits
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Excessive fear, sadness, or aggression

Is PHP Treatment for Adolescents Different Than It Is for Adults?

Teens receive the same skill and technique training as adults, but their care is often approached differently for various reasons. Since adolescents are still in school, our treatment includes academic programs to ensure they maintain their education. While adults usually don’t require educational support, we still emphasize life skills training for them, including vocational and financial education. 

Teens often begin treatment reluctantly, sometimes due to parental or guardian pressure, which can result in less enthusiasm to engage. However, active participation greatly enhances a teen’s chances of recovery. We understand this need and patiently address your teen’s concerns, encouraging them to participate in their treatment. 

While teenagers may experience similar concerns as adults, they can also encounter challenges unique to their age group. Navigating social media, bullying, and uncertainty about their future requires specialized strategies for effective healing. 

Why Should I Attend Partial Hospitalization?

Partial hospitalization can be highly beneficial as it merges the flexibility of outpatient services with the comprehensive support found in inpatient care. It provides a structured support network featuring support groups, medical professionals, therapists, and more. Medical professionals will monitor your health and medication; therapists and support groups can help manage symptoms.

PHP delivers increased flexibility compared to an inpatient treatment program. While maintaining a structured schedule during the day, PHP allows you or your loved one to go home each night after completing treatment. 

During PHP, individuals continue to practice many of the skills they learned in inpatient treatment while also building on these skills to better face life outside of outpatient treatment. Skills such as mindfulness, accountability, and stress reduction are crucial in preventing a return to use or worsening mental health disorder symptoms. 


Talk With a Representative at SUN Behavioral Health Columbus and Begin Your Recovery Journey Today!

For those who are ready to move on from inpatient treatment, partial hospitalization is often the step many take next. During this care, you will continue to receive consistent support and therapy. Our SUN Behavioral Health Columbus team is dedicated to working with you, your medical team, and your personal history to create the most effective treatment plan for your needs. Contact us today if you are ready to begin your treatment journey. 


FAQs About Partial Hospitalization Program

What is the difference between partial and inpatient hospitalization?

When you attend an inpatient hospitalization, you are living at the facility 24/7 for multiple days to weeks, depending on your needs. However, during partial hospitalization, you attend treatment at the facility during the day and then return home in the evenings. 

What is the goal of partial hospitalization?

Partial hospitalization aims to help patients transition from inpatient care to a less consistent level of care. 

Treat Yourself to Recovery!

The capable team at SUN Columbus has been serving our community for years. Reach out to begin your journey to recovery.


SUN Behavioral Columbus

900 E Dublin Granville Rd
Columbus, OH, 43229

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